Today we are going to be taking a closer look at Aneros, the Gold Standard of prostate massage. More specifically, I would like to focus on the Helix, as that shape is decidedly the best loved among our clientele. Anything that provokes that sort of devotion has a story to tell. Many devotees to the brand are already aware of the origins of Aneros and the urologist that wanted a hands free method of delivering medically effective prostate massage. Medical device or not, anything that delivers sexual pleasure, even incidentally, will not remain alone in a clinical setting. It has been over twenty years since the tool that gave rise to Aneros was designed, and all the time since has been used to further that design and create options for a variety of desires and anatomies.

Helix is, technically, a “beginner’s” device, though that speaks more to ease of use than minimal sensation. The internal end has a larger swell than other introductory styles on the roster, making it easier to get firm and consistent contact with the prostate with minimal practice or effort. Helix also takes the hands-free rock a step beyond with the Trident style handle. Not only will Helix rock, hands free, with tension and release of the sphincter, the Trident style handle adds stimulation of external acupressure points as well, including the perineum. The slight curve and graduated swell also helps to keep the tool in place when in active use. The Helix shape is also strongly recommended for couples play due to it’s ability to stay in place once inserted and the narrow silhouette that won’t get in the way of helping hands, or other body bits.

The difference between Helix Trident and Helix Syn Trident is in the material. The Syn has more flex and a silicone body. While sensation is more intense with the classic, the Syn has a gentler touch for those that are nervous, new, or are looking for a bit more subtlety. The next logical step it in the Helix Syn V. Helix shape, silicone body, and it vibrates. The motor of the V is distinctly mild in terms of power, but there is a profoundly important reason for this. V can be used for extended periods of time without the vibration causing over-stimulation and numbing of the nerve endings that it comes into contact with. When doing external research on this newest addition to the Helix family, the only negative (and nitpicking) word I could find is that the 8 patterns the V comes loaded with didn’t have a theme one to the next. In the grand scheme of prostate health and pleasure that I have seen, that is a huge win.